Eligible Species
(a) Eligible species and category list
Note: Certain conditions apply to some of the following listed *species.
MARLIN – Black, Blue, Striped
SHARKS – *Blue, *Hammerhead(Smooth Only) Except for the Scalloped Hammerhead and Great Hammerhead , *Mako (all), *Porbeagle, *Thresher (all), *Tiger, *Whaler (all)
Tagging of White Sharks – The incidental hooking, fighting and tagging and releasing of a White Shark in Commonwealth Waters (outside 3NM) in permitted for scientific purposes and T&R points will be awarded in all tournaments including club point-scores. This species cannot be targeted. For clarity, the NSW GFA President advised that a dispensation has been granted by the Federal Government.
Other Billfish – Sailfish, *Broadbill, Shortbill Spearfish
Tuna – Bigeye, Bluefin, Southern Bluefin, Dogtooth, Yellowfin, Longtail, Albacore, *Kawa Kawa, *Striped Tuna
Miscellaneous – Wahoo, Narrow Barred (Spanish) Mackerel, *Yellowtail Kingfish, Cobia, Barracuda, *Mahi Mahi