Sanctioned Tournaments
Applications for Tournament sanctioning MUST be in the hands of the NSWGFA Secretary 3 months prior to the event to allow for time for NSWGFA to sanction and allow the club time to promote the event.
Sanctioning Application Fee $220 Inc GST Per Tournament Sanctioned by NSWGFA
PLEASE NOTE: Any applications received outside of the (3) three Months WILL be charged a LATE FEE of $250.00 plus GST.
(a) Sanctioned tournaments, point scores and rules
- All sanctioned gamefishing tournaments and point score competitions held from NSWGFA waters must be fished/conducted under GFAA and NSWGFA rules, including the following:
(i) The use of identifiable marlin carcasses is prohibited for use as tethered berley.
(ii) Berley secured under floats is prohibited.
- In the event of a multiple strike on separate lines being fished by a single angler, only the first fish fought will be eligible for all point scores or records in NSW waters.
- All billfish must be tagged with the 'Billfish Tag'. This is the only tag that will be recognised for billfish in any tournament, competition, point score or trophy. The 'Billfish Tag' is for billfish only pointscore (i.e. no other species).
- The declaration of a Gale Warning by the appropriate government weather authority will automatically require the cancellation of any tournament or event conducted under the auspices of the New South Wales Game Fishing Association and its member clubs. In the event of a declaration while vessels are at sea, such vessels are required to cease fishing immediately and return to port. Cancellation will only apply until the Gale Warning is Lifted.
- CIRCLE HOOKS ONLY are permitted to be used for livebaiting and trolling natural baits whether live, dead, mutilated or dissected Except in the case of targeting Narrow Barred Mackerel(Scomberomorus Commerson). NB: no points to be scored for any species caught while using livebaits and/or trolling natural baits with "J" hooks.
A hook with it's point turned 90 degrees or less back towards the shank of the hook
(b) Minimum weights
The Association shall determine, and publish from time to time, mandatory minimum weights of gamefish species captured that may be recognised for any tournament, competition or trophy.
Minimum Weights for Senior Anglers
- Yellowfin Tuna: 15kg on line classes up to and including 15kg line, equal to line class for over 15kg line, and for junior anglers equal to the line class in all cases.
- Southern Bluefin tuna: 15kg on line classes up to and including 15kg line, equal to line class for over 15kg line, and for junior anglers equal to the line class in all cases.
- Marlin: a minimum of 70kg on line classes to 4kg to 10kg and a minimum of 90kg on 15kg line class and over.
- Sharks: a minimum of 70kg on line classes 6kg to 10kg, a minimum of 90kg on line classes 15kg to 37kg, and 130kg on 60kg line class.
- Other Game fish and broadbill: minimum weight to be equal to line class.
Minimum Weights for Junior and Small Fry Anglers
- Yellowfin Tuna: 15kg on line classes up to and including 15kg line, equal to line class for over 15kg line, and for junior anglers equal to the line class in all cases.
- Southern Bluefin tuna: 15kg on line classes up to and including 15kg line, equal to line class for over 15kg line, and for junior anglers equal to the line class in all cases.
- Marlin: a minimum of 60kg on line classes to 4kg to 10kg and a minimum of 80kg on 15kg line class and over.
- Sharks: a minimum of 60kg on line classes 6kg to 10kg, a minimum of 80kg on line classes 15kg to 37kg, and 120kg on 60kg line class.
- Other Game fish and broadbill: minimum weight to be equal to line class.
Notwithstanding the minimum weights specified in paragraph (d)above, a club may, with the approval of the Association given, at the time of sanctioning in accordance with paragraph (f), specify a higher minimum weight for marlin, shark or tuna to qualify for a trophy for the heaviest marlin, shark or tuna only, provided that the weight specified is reasonable and obtainable in the circumstances. Clubs applying for sanction under this rule will supply a capture history for at least three (3) years. The tournament will be conducted under the highest minimum weight(s) if approval is granted with the exception; if a fish does not qualify for a tournament fish, it is still allowable for other competitions underNSWGFA rules. Nothing in this clause will affect the minimum weight of marlin, shark or tuna to qualify forcapture points in accordance with 4(b) – 2.
(c) Tournaments and point score competitions
All sanctioned tournaments and point score competitions shall have either two (2) separate categories when allocating points or one (1) category: i.e. capture and tag & release, or tag & release only. Such separate categories to be mandatory and non-combinable for trophies/competitions.
Notwithstanding the minimum weights specified in paragraph (d) above, a club may, with the approval of the Association given, at the time of sanctioning in accordance with paragraph (f), specify a higher minimum weight for marlin, shark or tuna to qualify for a trophy for the heaviest marlin, shark or tuna only, provided that the weight specified is reasonable and obtainable in the circumstances. Clubs applying for sanction under this rule will supply a capture history for at least three (3) years. The tournament will be conducted under the highest minimum weight(s) if approval is granted with the exception; if a fish does not qualify for a tournament fish, it is still allowable for other competitions under NSWGFA rules. Nothing in this clause will affect the minimum weight of marlin, shark or tuna to qualify for capture points in accordance with 4(b) – 2.
(d) Approval to conduct open tournaments
- The Executive of the Association must be consulted by member clubs wishing to conduct 'Open' or 'Invitation' Tournaments to gain approval for such tournaments. The Executive shall also have the power to insist that any such tournaments hosted by member clubs be conducted in such fashion as is befitting the ethics of gamefishing, and for the maximum enjoyment of all participants. The application for such tournaments MUST be in the hands of the Secretary of the Association a minimum of three (3) months prior to the tournament date. All sanctioned tournaments must carry the NSWGFA Sanctioned Tournament emblem on the front of all tournament brochures and entry forms. A complete list of tournament trophies and prizes must be advised to competitors prior to the start of the tournament. Additional trophies or prizes can be added after the tournament starts. This By-Law shall not apply where member clubs conduct competitions purely for the members of their own particular club.
- All sanctioned tournaments shall adopt the 'Guidelines for Radio Skeds for Tournaments' published from time to time by the Association as the minimum radio procedure to be followed.
(e) Participation in non-sanctioned tournaments
If a vessel(s)/angler(s) on the register of a member club is entered in a non-sanctioned gamefishing tournament conducted out of any port in NSW waters and the member club that this non-sanctioned tournament directly affects advised NSWGFA (Inc) that it objects to the tournament being sanctioned, provided that objection is found reasonable, then the Member Club where vessel(s)/angler(s) is registered will take disciplinary action against that vessel(s)/angler(s). If the member club where the vessel(s)/angler(s) is registered fails to take action against these vessel(s)/angler(s), then NSWGFA (Inc) has the right to take disciplinary action against that member club under rule 3.07 Disciplinary of Members – NSWGFA (Inc) Constitution.
(f) Rules for tag & release
- No tournament shall be approved by a State Association that awards points for free release for NSWGFA (GFAA) tag species.
- No tag & release points shall be awarded in State Association approved tournaments unless GFAA approved tags are used.
- The multiple tagging of the same fish from the same vessel on the same day is banned.
- All angling rules and equipment regulations apply until the fish is tagged and released.
- Tag poles must not exceed 4.47m (15ft) overall length.
- The tag pole or holding device must be in hand when the fish is tagged.
- One or more person, in addition to the person holding the leader, may assist in tagging and releasing the fish.
- A fish is considered tagged and released when the tag is secured to the fish and the fish is released back into the water alive.
- All billfish must be tagged with the 'Billfish Tag'. This is the only tag that will be recognised for billfish in any tournament, competition, point score or trophy. The 'Billfish Tag' is for billfish only point score (ie no other species).
- The method for releasing a tagged fish – The hook is to be removed or the leader cut as close to possible to the fish A fish is considered tagged and released when the tag is secured to the fish and the fish is released back into the water alive.
(g) Guidelines for tag & release
- The tag needle must not protrude more than 50mm from the end of the tag pole or tag holding device, nor shall it exceed 5mm in external diameter; except for the NSW Fisheries 'Billfish Only' tag, this needle must not protrude more than 76mm from the end of the tag pole or tag holding device, nor shall it exceed 8mm in diameter.
(h) The following acts will disqualify a tag & release:
- Failure to comply with NSWGFA tag & release rules, equipment regulations and angling rules.
- Failure to comply with all other regulations that disqualify a capture.
- Use of gaff (other than release/jaw gaff for the purpose of tagging.
- NSW Coastal Waters Trophy
To qualify for the NSW Coastal Waters Trophy the angler must be a full financial member of a NSWGFA affiliated club prior to the capture of the fish.
NSWGFA affiliated clubs' weighstations accept gilled and gutted fish for trophy record and point score purposes.
White Sharks are regarded as endangered species; accordingly, these species shall be deemed ineligible for points in any tournaments or club point score.
The facilities and equipment of member clubs shall not be used in the conduct of non-sanctioned or non-accredited gamefishing tournaments run by other than an affiliated gamefishing club.
No sharks may be weighed with restrictive device on jaws. Sewing up of shark jaws will automatically disqualify capture. No shark will be weighed with a choker in place.
Any fish weighed for NSWGFA trophies SHALL NOT BE SOLD. Such fish shall be ineligible for any trophies or awards of the Association.